Vehicle Registration in Panama - International Relocation Firm

Vehicle Registration in Panama


If you wish to register a vehicle in Panama, you can do it in your personal name (which is not advisable for many reasons such as anonymity, security, liability, etc.), or in an Entity (Panama Corporation/Panama Foundation) name.

The registration of the Entity (Panama Corporation/Panama Foundation) in the Municipio (which is the Municipal Government Institute that registers the Vehicles in Panama) is not automatic, this means that your Entity should be registered first at the Municipio and then you can register the Vehicle in the name of the Entity.


Once your Entity (Panama Corporation/Panama Foundation) is registered at the Public Registry, the following is the Procedure to be performed for the registration at the Municipio:

1. Process at the Ministry of Commerce a Business License (if your Entity is doing business) or process at this Government Institute (Ministry of Commerce) a Certification that states that your Entity is not doing business and therefore does not require Business License.  These documents would take a few days to process.

2. Process at the Ministry of Economic and Finance a Paz y Salvo (Certificate of Payment of Corporate Taxes).

3. Process the entity registration at the Municipio.

Once the Entity is registered at the Municipio, you can then register the Vehicle under the Entity (Corporation/Foundation).

Entity Registration at the Municipio processing fee: $100.

If you are importing a Vehicle, and wish to register the Vehicle under your Entity, you should inform us in advance to process the Entity registration at the Municipio, and you should deal with a Customs Agent for the Vehicle importation process, duties and liquidation from Customs.

Please Contact Us for assistance with registering a vehicle in Panama and all of your Panama Relocation needs.

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