Panama Offshore News - Articles, Advice and Tips on Panama Offshore Services & News

Panama News

Traveling In and Out of Panama by Plane: The Hub of the Americas

Traveling In and Out of Panama by Plane: The Hub of the Americas

Part of what makes Panama so attractive to tourists, and businesses, is its location. It is the bridge between North and South America, straddling two oceans, and connecting two continents. It is a small country, with a small population; but, the amount of people who...

Juan Carlos Varela: What we can expect from Panama’s new President

Juan Carlos Varela: What we can expect from Panama’s new President

Panama elected a new president this past Sunday, and despite trailing in the polls for months, Juan Carlos Varela was victorious. One of the most heated races in recent memory ended with the opposition, and not the incumbent’s party, taking the prize. He served as VP...