Panama Offshore News - Articles, Advice and Tips on Panama Offshore Services & News

Panama News

Celebrating Thanksgiving in Panama

Celebrating Thanksgiving in Panama

Thanksgiving is probably the most unique North American holiday around. It is one of the few big holidays that the US (and Canada, but on a separate day) is pretty much exclusive to. Although, with so many North Americans living abroad, celebrating Thanksgiving is...

Colombia and Panama Settle Tax Dispute, But Relations Still Not 100%

Colombia and Panama Settle Tax Dispute, But Relations Still Not 100%

Earlier this month, economic relations between Colombia and Panama became tense after Colombia threatened to put Panama on their so-called “tax haven” list. The list, which Colombia uses as a basis for financial transparency, is comprised of countries who either don’t...

Colombia-Panama Ferry Finally Opens for Business

Colombia-Panama Ferry Finally Opens for Business

Getting from Colombia to Panama by land, and vice versa, is nearly impossible. In fact, it’s probably one of the hardest crossings on earth. If you want to cross the continent, you need to either fly, or take a boat. The problem is, both have been rather expensive,...